

My name is Sam. Originally from Brazil, I not live in the Tampa area. After 20 years of being here I have found what makes me happy in life. Any time I’m looking through that viewfinder or down at my screen I am in the happiest state I can be in. I started out a few years ago taking pictures with my phone. Going to car events and shows snapping shots of everything that caught my eye. I used My sister’s Canon 70D shortly after and started expanding my horizons. I now have my own 80D with a number of accessories that will surely get any job done!

I started out with automotive photography but have been branching out to portraits and landscapes as well. I also have been doing videography in the hopes to do well enough to step up to doing bigger projects such as commercials or even getting into the film industry.

Never stray away from your dreams no matter the hardships you face.




